Benefits of working with our guides

Professional guides help your site come alive and greatly enhance the visitor experience.
Blue, Green and White badge guides all receive comprehensive training in presentation skills and have an extensive knowledge of the areas in which they guide. They are invested in the success of their local visitor economy and add significant value to your site.
Professionally qualified guides are skilled ambassadors, adept in interpreting your site in an informative and entertaining way.
Many guides cultivate their own businesses and customers opening up your site to new audiences.
All guides are required to update their knowledge on a regular basis and can assist in seasonal promotions or exhibitions.

They can assist in developing tours and trails targeted at various market segments to increase visitor numbers.
Many guides speak a second language allowing you to welcome international visitors in their own language to further enhance their experience.
All guides are trained in group management and new site regulations and restrictions can be circulated quickly via a dedicated site liaison representative - Site liaison is managed by the British Guild of Tourist Guides and Association of Professional Tourist Guides, they can discuss allocating a dedicated representative for your site.
All our members wear Institute photocards confirming their name and qualifications, therefore providing an audit trail if they need to be contacted for any reason.
Please contact us If you are interested in discussing this further, we can offer advice and put you in touch with accredited trainers who would be happy to develop a course with you.
More information what is involved in organising a course can be found here.

Tower Bridge White Badge
For Tower Bridge, the partnership with the Institute has been a fundamental cooperation to train, develop and assess on guided tour content and delivery for the benefit of our customers.

Southampton White Badge
Southampton has a long tradition of qualified guiding, White, Green and Blue Badge and the Southampton Tourist Guides Association will in a couple of years reach its fiftieth birthday.

Cambridge Green Badge
The Tourism Service in Cambridge has trained guides to Blue Badge and Green Badge level since the 1970’s.